Rule to select cheapest carrier out of specific carriers
Supposed Marten
Please create a rule that allows the cheapest carrier to be selected for a condition (ie. express within Australia) to use the cheapest out of either A or B (in my case, Aus Post Express OR Sendle). If I just select the cheapest carrier, it will go with Standard post couriers rather than faster shipping methods.
Gossamer Pelican
Hi team, when is this feature going live? I still cannot see this option on my rules dashboard
Alexa Wiki
Gossamer Pelican Hi Lucy! Just a heads up this rule is now live in Starshipit. Please let me know if you need a hand setting it up.
Alexa Wiki
Based on your feedback on our cheapest carrier rule we've created a new rule to give you more control and precision in selecting cost-effective shipping options. This new rule lets you choose the lowest-priced option among specific carriers and services. We'd love to hear your feedback on this one! To learn more, check out the changelog post:
Lapis lazuli Catshark
Alexa Wiki Thank you. This is great news. We appreciate it. So far we've had a few challenges which we've raised tickets for, but I think it's now working great.
Alexa Wiki
Lapis lazuli Catshark Thanks so much for the feedback Wes. If there is anything else we can help with please let me know!
Alexa Wiki
in progress
George Plummer
Merged in a post:
Exclude the certain couriers when trying to use the cheapest courier rule.
International orange Marsupial
Exclude the certain couriers when trying to use the cheapest courier rule.