Auto select packages - change the algorithm to use less packages, e.g select a bigger size
Cute Cuckoo
currently the packaging algorithm works is to optimise for the least amount of space available, rather than minimal packages. i.e if you had one `10x10x10 box and one 20x11x10 box, then an order that had 2 items that were 10x10x10 - then 2 x 10x10x10 boxes would be selected as this would fit the items perfectly and no unused space, even though they could both fit into the 20x11x10 box but with like 1 cm of space
Created by Abi Bennett
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Hi there! Thanks so much for your feedback on this feature. We've made adjustments to the algorithm so that it will prioritise using less packaging, over the packaging with the least amount of unused space. This is live now automatically on your account. If you have any further feedback feel free to let me know :)