Scanning order numbers (pick and pack)
Grand Opossum
Same as the ability to scan products barcode (which is awesome).
It would be great to be able to scan the order number/order barcode to pull up that order.
We plan to print picking slips and will have the order barcode on the picking slip. Which then the user can scan and the barcode and it would load the order in its stage.
Hi Grand Opossum. We have modified that text box so that if you scan an order number in there, if an order is found it will open it up automatically. Does that work for you? Let me know
International orange Dingo
Alex can this option please be a choice as we use scanning order numbers to create bulk picking lists
International orange Dingo Could you flick me an email ( about how you're using the app? We can likely make this a setting but want to make sure I fully understand what you're after :)